
Frequently Asked Questions



Participation Mechanism

How can I participate in Sharjah Award for Educational Excellence?

You can participate in the award by following the following steps:


Where can I submit the award participation file?

Files are submitted electronically through the Award's subscribers' portal.

Participation Conditions

What are the conditions for participation in Sharjah Award for Educational Excellence?

The conditions for participation in Sharjah Award for Educational Excellence are divided into two parts:

To view the general and specific conditions of the award categories, please follow the following steps:


Do you accept participation from outside the United Arab Emirates?

Participation in Sharjah Award for Educational Excellence is open to citizens and residents of the United Arab Emirates.

Award Agenda

When will the new award cycle start?

To find out the agenda of Sharjah Award for Educational Excellence, kindly click on the "Award Agenda" from the main menu of the website.


When will the names of the winners for this cycle be announced?

To find out the time of announcing the names of the winners of Sharjah Award for Educational Excellence for this cycle, please click on the "Award Agenda" from the main menu of the website.

Subscribers' Portal

How can I access the subscribers' portal?

Please follow these steps:


What is the maximum number/size of files that can be uploaded per standard?

Kindly, view the "Evidence Documentation Guidelines".


What types of files can be uploaded for each standard?

The subscribers' portal allows uploading multiple types of files, such as photos, videos, and documents.


How can I modify/add files uploaded to the portal?

In case the step for final submission of the file has not been taken, you can enter the portal and make modifications to the uploaded files, but if the step for final submission has been taken, the modification/addition feature is not available.


I have a note about the subscribers' portal?

You can communicate through the channels shown below:

Mobile phone number: 0509578598
Email address: award@spea.shj.ae

Award Criteria

How can I find out the criteria of award categories?

To view the criteria of the award categories, please follow the following steps:


Participants Interviews

Will participants be interviewed? and when?

The participant's file is evaluated. In case that the participant is qualified for the second stage, which is the interviews stage, the candidate will be contacted by the Award's department and informed regarding the details of the interview date.

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